× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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On 28/09/2009, at 10:21 PM, <Rick.Chevalier@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You don't even need to use the export keyword to have a procedure available within a service program. If a procedure is only used within a service program I wouldn't even put the export keyword on it.

That's only true for single module programs and service programs. If you have multiple modules you must use EXPORT to make procedures in one module visible to the other modules in the same bind object.

Another reason for binder source is that if service program SP1 binds to service program SP2 service program SP1 will by default export not only any procedures it contains that are defined with the export keyword but also every procedure exported from SP2. If both of these service programs are in the same binding directory you will get duplicate definition errors when binding to one of the duplicated exports. Using binder source limits this kind of duplication and keeps procedures exported only from the service program you want them exported from.

Either you are very confused or you explained this badly. SP1 will not export procedures from SP2.

If you experience bind errors due to duplicates from modules in SP1 and modules in SP2 then it's due to you either specifying the same module in both SP1 and SP2, specifying the same export name in different modules, or specifying both modules and service programs in the same binding directory. None of these approaches are sensible. Binder source will not protect you from this situation except in one limited and contrived scenario.

I guess you could mean that SP1 contains Ma and Mb and SP2 contains Mb and Mc. In this case you could get duplicate exports due to Mb being in both SP1 and SP2. You could use binder source to hide the Mb exports from either SP1 or SP2 but if that's really what you meant then I'd question your whole design. Why have Mb in both SP1 and SP2? Just have it in one SP and bind to it from the other.

Simon Coulter.
FlyByNight Software OS/400, i5/OS Technical Specialists

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