× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hello all,

First, I know that what I am about to ask for is not Iseries related.
But there is a lot of knowledgeable people on this list and I hope that
someone can direct me to another discussion group or web site or
whatever that may help me.

We operate about 100 site in north America. They are linked to a
datacenter where all servers are located. Here is a typical situation:

At the remote site, the users have a thin client. It connects with the
data center trough an MPLS network. Once in the data center, it connect
to a citrix server. The citrix session connect to the file server, the
Email serveur, the Iseries and any other server required for the
application requested by the user. the different servers (except the I)
are connected to a SAN. The switches are all recent 1Gb Cisco.

All the information that we can monitor tell us that everything is fine
(low bandwidth utilization, low server utilization, no error on the sys
log ...) but the user experience is pretty bad for several locations.

I am looking for a way to dissect the response time. I would like to
find a tool that tells me:
The transaction spent xx millisecond on the MPLS network, xx
millisecond on the LAN, xx millisecond on server Y, xx millisecond on
server Z ect.

This way, we could know where to put our effort in our optimization

If someone know of a tool that can do this or where I should bring this
topics (another mailing list maybe?) I would appreciate.


Denis Robitaille
Directeur services technique TI
819 363 6130

Jour (EST) Daytime : 819-363-6134
En-dehors des heures (EST) After hour : 819-363-6158
Network Status : 819-363-6157

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