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Kirk is right about trying to move the 5704 off of the same bus as any
disk controllers. HUGE performance differences are possible.

Are you saying you had an old library named TAPMLB02 and it was in all
your backup programs and stuff and you don't want to change all that to
TAPMLB03? No problem. Look for the device TAPMLB03 vary it off, rename
it and vary it back on. Don't have a TAPMLB03, just your old TAPMLB02?
Well, there's a couple of solutions for that. One is to edit the TAPMLB02
device and change your resource name from TAPMLB02 to the new TAPMLB03.
Find that confusing? Well, the more hardware adept may try this
1. Start a service tool
7. Hardware service manager
3. Locate resource by resource name
2=Change detail
and rename the 'hardware' from TAPMLB03 to TAPMLB02.
Then you cross your fingers and hope that it works when you vary it on.
Remember this, I've discovered that the first time you try even a simple
CHKTAP after varying on a new tape drive the first time it may go into a
failed state. Simply vary it off and on again and try again. The second
time rarely fails.
But if you do still fail, then you may want to create a new device.
9=Work with resource
5=Work with configuration descriptions
and create a new one. Maybe there is some hardware difference a new
config needs to pick up.

Pete M.,
The 9 on the 5704 is not what you want. It's the 9 on the TAPMLB03 device
itself you want

Opt Resource Type-model
CMB01 2844-001
DC03 5704-001
9 TAPMLB06 3576-05B

Resource Type-model Status Text
TAPMLB06 3576-05B Operational Tape Library
TAP05 3580-003 Operational Tape Unit

A 9 will work fine on a 571A though.
Opt Resource Type-model
CMB03 2844-001
9 DC09 571A-001

Resource Type-model
DC09 571A-001
TAP06 3580-003

But, who knows, maybe it's not the controller, but the device hooked to
the controller? Maybe you are right in some cases.

Some of these newer huge devices CANNOT be a device but have to be a
library. There is no option to change from random to sequential. Well,
the exception to the rule is doing an unload/reload it allows it for the
early part of the process, like restoring the OS, but you have to have the
library for user libraries and stuff.

Rob Berendt

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