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We had the same symptom on our 520.

It turned out that there is a considerable difference in which end of the
signal cable is plugged into the UPS and which end hooks up to the 520.
Additionally, there was an additional adapter cable shipped with the system,
which corrects a pinout problem between the UPS and the 520.

I recommend that you ask an IBM CE to stop by and check your cables. He can
also check your system logs to insure that there is not an incipient power
supply problem on your 520.

You should know that if the UPS signals "LOW BATTERY" while the "ON BATTERY"
signal is on, the 520 will shutdown immediately.

I honestly can't recommend permanently disconnecting the sense cable. This
allows the 520 to know when the UPS is on battery, and can allow the system
to power down gracefully. To toot my own horn a bit, I am selling a UPS
Monitor Kit, which is a CL program that monitors UPS events and can be
eaisily customized for your specific environment. You can download the
manual free at www.atticdesignlab.com .

Good luck
Armand Borick
Attic Design Lab

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