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Le: 05 déc. 2007, vous écriviez dans:

After clearing off a few TB's of space I ran a TRCASPBAL for
almost a day.
Day after period end, a Friday.
That Monday I tried running a STRASPBAL *USAGE. It immediately
ended, successfully.


The boss and I figured that there must not be that much to worry
about. Or, was there some other anomaly? 83 disk arms.

In this specific case, I do not think you are to worry. I suppose data
were already balanced on your disks before the removal. When you remove
(data or disks in your example ?) the system keeps the balancing, just
because it is already balanced :-)

The problem is when you add disks. There is a need to balance. If you
do not do it yoursel, the system will fill the new disks until there is
a CAPACITY balance, and there is a risk of a bad USAGE balancing. When
we add disks, we proceed the following way:

* CAPACITY balancing with STRASPBAL
* usage balancing trace during the appropriate time frame
* and last, USAGE balancing with STRASPBAL

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