× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

OK, yes, it's true, me, the MS-lover of the midrange groups have
abandoned Vista after two months and I'm headed back to XP (man am I
glad I moved to Vista w/a new hard-drive, just swap and reboot. :) ) As
an end-user, Vista is absolutely great. I like the Aero interface
(2.13Ghz w/2Gig), the integrated search is wonderful, you get used to
UAC and the overall feel is fine. If I wasn't a developer I wouldn't
have a complaint.

However, as a developer, there are just too many things that aren't
quite baked yet -- and not MS things, but 3rd party integration. Our
.net profiler has issued with IIS7, as does cold-fusion. We need to run
a number of VPN clients for our clients, and many of them aren't
Vista-ready, and some of my power-tools aren't up to tweaking Vista yet.
Plus, the inability to change stuff in "program files" as joe-user
causes many apps issues.

Office 2007 on the other hand... awesome! I've got O2K3 on my XP box,
and I'll be upgrading to O2K7 as soon as I get a chance.

Why am I posting this??? Mostly because we're all developers, and many
of us are PC-based developers. If you're a pure-iSeries person, and
you're running just an emulator to get to the iSeries, go a head, move
to Vista. But if you're a PC developer, especially if you're using IIS a
lot, don't go yet.


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