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Yes. we are storing the available tape drives names in the data area and once 
the point of backup is reached, send a message to the operator using SNDUSRMSG 
to load the tape drives and specify its name. In the VALUES section of the 
command we specify all the valid tape drive names. Once the tape drive name is 
entered, use CPYTPTAP to save the file information. This was the exact code:
TOLABEL(&savefile1) TODEV(&tape1)
  The reply from the operator is stored in the variable &tape1. &tape1 shows as 
*N in the joblog though the operator replied some tape drive names. 

rob@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
  *N is no longer an option on V5R4. On V5R4 you have to enter a device or 
*TAPF. *TAPF will use the device specified in the tape file description.
The reason it defaults to that in the first place is that you can do a 
and change it from the default of *NONE to an existing device. Now I 
don't know what the common practice is out there. I suspect it's one of 
two options. One either do a CHGTAPF or specify the device in the 
CPYTOTAP. Sounds like your shop had a standard to do a CHGTAPF. Now, 
since you have to change all of your CL, is a time to re-evaluate. If you 
want to bandage that you could create your own custom CPYTOTAP command, 
put it in a custom library and put that custom library tops in your system 
library list. In your custom command have it execute the QSYS/CPYTOTAP 
command but change the *N to *TAPF. Or, instead of *TAPF have it go to 
the device there also. Then again, you may not. Then if you do a CHGTAPF 
also to support those using *TAPF you'll have to modify the custom command 
also when you change from TAP01 to TAP02.
Me, I'd change to the device name in the CL. Now, if you have multiple CL 
names I'd store the device name in a dataarea, retrieve that, and use that 
in the CPYTOTAP. Understand?

Rob Berendt

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