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we changed many of our AS/400 OPM programs to ILE.

The clue to the root of your problem may be the use of the word "many" in
this sentence.

The COBOL language has a "feature" (the COBOL run unit) that renders mixing
ILE and OPM COBOL programs in a single application difficult and fraught
with performance problems.

As a rule ILE COBOL (as with RPG) will significantly outperform OPM COBOL -
but not if the two are inter-mixed.

Once you cross the barrier between OPM and ILE you should call another OPM
program until you are back in the OPM chain.  What I mean by this is that if
OPMA calls ILEB then no more OPM programs should be called directly or
indirectly by ILEB.  Only after control returns to OPMA should other OPM
programs be called.

Beware of advice from ILE folks who only know RPG - you cannot readily
intermix OPM and ILE COBOL as you can with RPG.  This occurs because the
COBOL run unit will be being constantly torn down and rebuilt on each call.
Changing the AG for the COBOL programs won't help much - you may need to
change the COBOL code to make use of the PRESERVE RUN UNIT (I think I have
the right syntax) in order to prevent this.

Have you asked the Synon folks about this?  And are you sure you're using
2E?  It hasn't been called that for years has it.

There's a whole section in the COBOL manuals on this topic.  If you still
have questions, I suggest that you take them to the COBOL400 list on this
server as you will get more targeted advice.  But your basic problem is
likely the mixing of OPM and ILE.


Jon Paris


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