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well, the premise seems wrong.

The WITH DATA clause is not a part of the LIKE syntax on CREATE TABLE.
It's part of the as-subselect only. The CREATE TABLE LIKE does create an
empty table.

Second, the level wouldn't matter in an SQL environment. So... the issue
seems to be that you are mixing SQL and native RPG I/O that would be
dependant upon the record format level id's being the same.

On Wed, 2006-09-27 at 08:48 -0400, Jeff Crosby wrote:
At a COMMON session I learned I could do:

CREATE TABLE workfile LIKE referencefile WITH DATA

I thought this was great for a project I'm working on.  No joy though.
First off I can't say 'WITH DATA' because SQL balks at it.  I can leave off
the WITH DATA, but then it's an empty file.  So I did it with a subselect,
like this:

CREATE TABLE workfile as (Select * from referencefile) WITH DATA

Which worked, and brought the data over, but still no joy.  The file level
ID is totally different.

If I use the first method, creating an empty file and try CPYF, it tells me
I must use FMTOPT(*MAP) because 3 fields have a different definition.  I
assume this is because 'referencefile' was created with DDS and 'workfile'
is being created with SQL.  'referencefile' has some fields with EDTCDE and
itself was created using a field reference file.

My ultimate goal was to do the CREATE TABLE embedded in RPG instead of a
CRTDUPOBJ in CL, because this seemed clearer to me: all the 'logic' is then
in the RPG.  I ended up using CRTDUPOBJ in the RPG.

I suppose as long as one of the files was created with DDS and the other
with SQL, it's never going to work because of the file level issue, right?


Jeff Crosby
Dilgard Frozen Foods, Inc.
P.O. Box 13369
Ft. Wayne, IN 46868-3369

The opinions expressed are my own and not necessarily the opinion of my
company.  Unless I say so.

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