× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


Since the application is written in Java and Java servlets, it  would
be very straight forward to use the jt400 APIs. Using these API's
allow a Java program (running on any OS or any application server) to
call any OS/400 program.

If Tomcat is running in the DMZ, you would need to make sure the ports
that the jt400 APIs use are open between the DMZ and the AS/400. If
Tomcat is running on the AS/400, only port 80 would need to be open
between the DMZ and the AS/400.

Another option is to create a stored procedure entry in
QSYS2/PROCEDURES for each command. Then the Java program could use
standard JDBC methods to call the command/procedure.

Yet another option is to create webservices, which has already been mentioned.


On 9/21/06, Shannon O'Donnell <sodonnell@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
What, in everyone's opinion, are some of the ootiins available to have a web 
app (browser) run a command on iSeries.

The Tomcat server that front ends the web app uses java servlets and is on a PC 
outside the dmz. (i think).

The iseries has no idea it exists. However, the iseries can ping the outside 
world so communication is possible.

Would I do best by running Tomcat on my iSeries and have the Tomcat server on 
the windows pc outside the dmz send a servlet request to my iseries?  Or is 
there a better way?

All opinions are most welcome.


Shannon O'Donnell

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