× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Hello, all:

Our users start a display emulation "Session A" in ClientAccess, and (on the same PC) 
start printer emulation "Session B."

The printer emulation (Session B) uses a local printer (a little thermal bar 
code printer) attached to the COM1 serial port on their PC.

In "Session B," we specify a workstation ID, and this creates an output queue 
on OS/400 with the same name.

When we CHGSPLFA to the correct OUTQ(name) for a spooled file, the spooled file 
prints on this locally attached printer.

Now when users run a program in "Session A," how can the program retrieve the name of 
that OS/400 output queue name that is associated with "Session B" on the same PC?

We want to change an attention-key handling program so that, when they hit the 
ATTN key, a little bar code sticker prints immediately at their own desk, 
without the hassle of WRKSPLF or CHGSPLFA.

We don't want the users to be aware of the OS/400 output queue name of the little bar 
code printer on their desk or have to "mess with" WRKSPLF or CHGSPLFA.

Can anyone suggest what API(s) we might use to accomplish this?


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