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Just think how much help could be provided if every one of the bloggers 
(on both sides of the fence) would get off their butts for one hour and 
take $10 to the local Salvation Army or Red Cross office. 

My son's college football team has 5 players from Port Allen, LA. It's 
right across the river from Baton Rouge. They're unsure about the 
condition of their homes or families because of the communications 
problems, and the influx of refugees into Baton Rouge.

Last night, the football team and the athletic department had a fund 
raising effort, where they had a bonfire and sent the students out door to 
door to collect from the residents of the town. In 3 hours, they collected 
over $10,000. This is in a town of less than 8,000 people.

To expedite my contribution, I just got back from the bank, where I put a 
big chunk into my son's bank account. Now he can write a check or drag the 
cash out so that it can be included in the funds heading south.

I challenge you midrangers to pony up too. Piss on the left wingers and 
the right wingers and all of the bloggers. We're all in this together.

Sorry for cross-posting David, but people need help.

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