× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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Have you looked at the Generate Data Definition Language API? It can retrieve 
the DDL of a table, view, index, triggers, scheme (or library) in a source 
member and recreate it as well.

Ted Holt at IT Jungle wrote a utility for this API. Searching Google will give 
some hits.

The API is not that dif  ficult to use in a CLP, either.

I think passing a library name and objecy type SCHEME you can retrieve all the 
SQL commands to create it all, I think even with constraints and such.

Just a thought.

Carel Teijgeler

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On 12-4-05 at 13:34 Mike Wills wrote:

>I know there was some discussion on this a week or two ago with David. We 
>are trying to create a duplicate SQL COLLECTION as a test DB. I know I can't 
>save and restore as a new name. So how would I go about copying all of the 
>data to the new DB? I have the tables setup, I just need to copy the data. 
>My vendor has a utility to do this, but it takes forever. It first creates a 
>dump of the DB (about a 17 GB file) onto the IFS, then they have me do an 
>import. Problem is this import ran for over 24 hours and wasn't complete 
>yet. I let it run over 36 hours before I cancelled it. That is not really 
>acceptable timeline for me. Plus you need to basically have three copies of 
>the DB on your server at once. That isn't exactly ideal when we have limited 
>amount of disk space.

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