× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

I have been operating under the some assumptions about adopted authority that have been recently challenged and I want to make sure I haven't missed something.

We have all the files in a library set to allow a specific user profile to have *ALL authority (lets call it FUSER) and *PUBLIC authority set to *EXCLUDE. All of the programs that access the files are owned by FUSER and the authority of those programs is set to USRPRF(*OWNER) and USEADPAUT(*YES). As far as I know that prevents anyone from accessing these files outside of using specific programs unless they have *ALLOBJ authority (Correct?)

We need to access those same files through JDBC so we have a program that we call when we establish the connection in Java that sets the library list and file overrides (OVRSCOPE (*JOB)). That program is also owned by FUSER and is compiled USRPRF(*OWNER) and USEADPAUT(*YES). This should prevent anyone who successfully connects through JDBC but doesn't call the program from getting access to the files (unless they have *ALLOBJ authority) (Correct?)

There are a dozen other things we do to secure the access but the thing I am most interested in is making sure the files ARE accessible through this method. If the OVRSCOPE is *JOB and the program is owned by FUSER and FUSER has *ALL authority then the tables should be available to the Java program as long as the job (connection) is active (correct?)

Pete Helgren

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