× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If there is an index on the field in question and the optimizer decides to use it, it will "stop" when it's found, because finding it is the normal index processing that uses the B-tree search mechanism - same as a CHAIN, basically.

If there is no index, then there are alternatives, including creating a temporary index or a table scan. Turn on debug to see what the optimizer chose (STRDBG without a program specified, CHGQRYA QRYTIMEOUT(0), IIRC, choose C for cancel when the message appears, then check the job log for optimizer messages).

No SQL database will do well without supporting indexes for single-record selection situations. Things get more complicated, as in the other thread on SQL recently. Here the old iSeries optimizer did not do as well as even DB2 on AIX, which had different ways to get an access plan. There were times with JOINs that iSeries would do 10 times more probes to the tables than AIX does for the same statement. This is why there is now a new query engine (optimizer) that can take advantage of statistics (never had them explicitly before) and other more modular ways of creating access plans, inspired by techniques on the other versions of DB2. This is ongoing, and not everything is handled by this new optimizer yet. You have to use the DB monitor to figure out whether the new engine was used.


At 07:37 PM 1/20/2005, you wrote:
> If the field is a unique key, it got to be an index.
> If it is an index, then table scan is not needed - so there is no issue.
> Do I miss something here?

Yes, my original question.

Which was can one assume _100%_ that the processing will stop once the record has been located.

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