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Those are separator pages. If you were in an old fashioned batch shop with 
operators on large printers printing reports for many users, they would use 
those pages to separate the reports and determine who they were for. Even in 
our small department with just a couple users and a shared laser printer, it is 
nice to have the separator pages, in my opinion.

When you start the printer writer, I believe you can specify that you want zero 
separator pages, and also there is a qsysopr message when the form changes that 
also gives you an opportunity to specify the number of separator pages.



date: Mon, 13 Sep 2004 18:26:32 -0700 (PDT)
from: Jason Botwinick <jasonbotwinick@xxxxxxxxx>
subject: Question on printing AS/400 spool file

Hi, I am new to this technology and I have a peculiar problem. When ever i 
print a spool file, the first page is always a page that has the following 
*.Job Name...: <Job Name>
*.User Name.: BJASON (my user profile)
*.Job Number: <Number>
*.Date..........: <date>
*.Time..........: <time>
BOTWINICK, JASON ( this is the text in my user profile)
Why is this information printed for all my printouts? How can i turn off this 
Would appreciate if anyone can help me with this.
- Jason

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