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I understand your frustration with the black-box nature of this beast. But there are places to get some info - the Performance and Optimization manual for recent releases has a lot of stuff, including recommendations. Perhaps not the detail some of us would like, but a start. The site www.iseries.ibm.com/db2 has links to a number of items that can help.

Also, every RDBMS (no quibbling, please, on whether we have one!) takes a slightly different tack on a few things. An obvious one is whether to use semi-colons to terminate statements. Some interpret BETWEEN in an inclusive manner, others in an exclusive manner. These might not be specified in the standards. A writer named Joe Celko speaks of these things from time. He has an understanding of several of the SQL implementations. One book of his is "SQL for Smarties". I recommend it even for iSeries folks.


At 09:45 AM 8/12/2004, you wrote:
> From: CWilt@xxxxxxxxxxxx
> Do you mean that the following:
> select A.A1, B.B1
> from A inner join B
>    on A.K1 = B.K1
> will be faster than
> select A.A1, B.B1
> from A, B
> where A.K1 = B.K1
> I'd like to know where you got that information, because as I
> it that is simply not the case.  Both queries would be run exactly the
> same way.

This is the part I love.  There is no definitive answer, no place to go
to find these things.  Hopefully we'll solve that with the new website.
Here's another one I found:


>From what I've read, in some databases, this will include records where
MYNAME is LAVERNE, but not SHIRLEY, whereas some databases will include
both and some will include neither:

Hopefully there's something about this in the ISO SQL99 standard, but
I'm not up to ponying up $90 to download five PDF files (or $530 for the
printed versions!).


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