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The open source WyattERP used such a data definition application and generated the DDS (among other things) and could just as easily create the DDL.

It sometimes amazes me that we, in the software business, spend so little time creating tools to make OUR lives easier and more productive.

Personally, I like the idea of having a repository that is free of the limitations (DDS -OR- DDL) or the dependency on a data base under someone else's control (Qxxx files). I've used this method since the S/3 and it has served me well. It's not rocket science to do.

J. Kilgore

Dan Bale wrote:

An application would be used to design data files and would use this "FRF" file (it would NOT be SEU!). Probably WDSCi / Code/400 does something along these lines, although probably still is limited to the traditional FDF. The "design" application would then generate the required DDS or DDL, as requested. There's other stuff as well, I'm sure, that could be added to that format, but it gives the gist of what I'm talking about.


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