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thanks Evan, found it! - QDFTJOBSCD  *JOBSCD   QUSRSYS


--------original message---------
Hi Rick

it's early and I am only half way through my first coffee but I seem to
recall that theres a *JOBSCD object in QUSRSYS that you can save and
restore to transfer the *whole* scheduler from one machine to another.

If you want individual entries you'll have to re-key them or write a
program to extract the data into a format suitable for your purposes.

Evan Harris

>we're very slowly migrating to a new box.   I've done a lot of changes on
>both boxes that I don't want to lose - we'll refresh data and such on the
>new one, but keeping a lot of the config changes.  one of the things I do
>want to transfer from the old to the new are job scheduled entries.
>What save category do these objects belong to?   config?  sys?  *ibm?
>Is there a way to save just those and restore?  or will I have to manually
>key them on the new system?

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