× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

| -----Original Message-----
| From: jt [mailto:jt@xxxxxx]
| Sent: Tuesday, February 24, 2004 12:45 PM
| To: Midrange Systems Technical Discussion
| Subject: Proper Questions (was: RE: TEXT file doubt)

| Did any of you see John Carr's post on the Non-Tech list by any
| chance?!?  Didn't see any complaints (and I have none), but these
| forums will draw a wide variety of opinion/questions/answers.
| Get used to it, is my philosophy, as the world is getting
| smaller.

Arrgh.  I spoke hastily and perhaps harshly, "get used to it", and in error:

I have observed that we have, in actual fact, 3 generations of tech folk
here.  From the "dinosaurs" to the "young turks" who "know everything".  I
roughly draw the line as those starting in 70's-80's, the 80's-90's
generation, and a fresh new crop of "kids".  These generations are as
different as kids are from their grandparents, in experience, attitudes,
culture and such.  (I believe Alvin Toffler (sp?) knew SOMEthing about this,
when he wrote _Future Shock_ which I've not read except snippets.)

In addition, we have people coming from all kinds of different spaces,
largely being the 400-world, the *nix-world, and the Windoze-world, in
preferences and programming styles.  Command-line vs. GUI doesn't really
fully-cover the wide variety in technique...  And not only that, but there
is a HUGE difference in the KINDS of shops, from one-man to large-dev-shops.

And, because the 400 usage is SO wide-spread, (and is used SO
internationally,) there are people from ALL over the globe, some speaking in
their second language to describe problems in yet a third language

So I emphasized the negative, above, when I've notice for some time now on
how WELL this group gets along, considering the pressure-cooker environment
the 400 places us in together, here on this "small" list...  It's actually
amazing, to me, that people are SO professional almost ALL the time, in this
community.  Easy to take for granted, except when a tiny "war" flairs up
every now and then...;-D

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