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I see this as a pure perspective issue.

People who have been going to COMMON for a very long time have seen it grow,
grow, grow. I remember how overwhelming the whole entire process was. Now, I
am very familiar with the conferences, a little familiar with the
organization and a little familiar with the inner workings. My perspective,
therefore, is that it has not been as HUGE as its peak. And I can see it
shrinking from that peak.

I present the first-timer's session, and see the large number of newbies and
people returning after a long absence. From THEIR perspective, this
conference is overwhelming. It is an extremely valuable resource and most,
if not all, attendees would love to come back for every conference. The
curriculum is full of sessions that overlap that are important and
interesting to attendees. The awe has not gone. The feeling of having a
drink of water from a fire hydrant has not gone.

On the other hand, it IS a volunteer organization and there IS going to be
politics. Given that some of us have been there a long time, our view is a
little more ~jaded~. There are going to be issues we all have with other
people in the organization, with the direction of the organization, with the
sessions, with the handouts, with the hotel rooms, etc.. Unless we are
running it, we are not going to get our way.

Hmmmm, hang on a sec. We ARE running it. WE are the volunteers who run it.
WE are the members. And WE should be discussing the issues of how to improve
COMMON, how to grow COMMON, how to focus COMMON, how to change COMMON in a
COMMON related forum. It is the combination of all the input of all the
members that ultimately drives where COMMON goes. And members like Don are
valuable because he does attend every conference, is committed to the
organization, and is offering input. The fine line that is hard to walk is
to offer a perspective based in frustration without it seeming negative.

I would encourage those people who have issues with COMMON to do several
things. Remain positive. Ask questions. Volunteer. Volunteer. THAT is how we
can shape the future of COMMON.

Remember this. COMMON is still an awe inspiring adventure. There is no need
to return it to its former "glory", it is an adventure unto itself and a
glory in its own right as it is today. Let us continue to move FORWARD...

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