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don't know for sure, but can you save the excel formatting wizard doc as a

Don't know about Bosanova, but surveyor/400 has a nifty pc based spool file
utility that will monitor an outq (with other mitigating factors such as
file, user, usrdata, etc) and automatically download the spool file, cut it
up (rows and columns) based on a template you define, and recreate it as
csv, html, pdf, etc.

they have a trial version here: http://www.pssl.co.uk/survey.htm

I don't think it's very expensive, but I don't have any info on that, since
i never purchased it.  i only used the trial version (a few years ago) and
was pretty impressed with it then.  i imagine it's only been improved



I would not be surprised if this question has already been posed but here
goes anyway:

I have a request to create a recurring job which entails running a 400 -
based report and dumping it into an EXCEL spreadsheet. In the absence of
I have been using a BoS-A-Nova file transfer utility to convert the
into a text file. When I open it in EXCEL, I then get the "formatting
wizard" which walks through the final steps to view the report properly.

My question is, will I have to format this EACH TIME I bring in the report?
Is there anyway to create a permanent format shell that will handle this
task without the constant manual attention?

Thanks for the input.

Rick Rayburn

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