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                        iNEWSWire UK
                      Subject:  iNEWSWire UK
                      11/20/2002 06:08 PM

********************* iNEWSWire UK *********************


Maverick marketing maestro Malcolm Haines has returned to IBM and
the iSeries. The veteran British executive and self-styled "chief
propagandist" for the AS/400 quit in July 2001 after 25 years with
Big Blue in service to the iSeries and its predecessors, the
AS/400, System/38, S/36, and S/32.

Cecelia Marrese, IBM's worldwide vice president of iSeries
marketing operations, told iNEWSWire UK: "The rumour is true.
Malcolm is joining my team, coming back to IBM as our 'Chief
Imagination Officer.'''

Haines originally left to join associative database company Lazy
Software. Although he was the creative force behind IBM's iSeries
Nation project, his most notable work was in the days before the
homogenous eServer rebranding exercise blurred the boundaries
between IBM's disparate server lines. For instance, for COMMON
US's 40th birthday in 2000 he produced a dance troupe performing
the "Dance of the Sugarplum Server" to rapturous applause from
delegates. Whether such bizarre stunts will fit in with current
IBM eServer marketing policy remains to be seen. Indeed, Big
Blue's current "Play to win" double page advertisement in the
mainstream computer press features Nintendo's use of the iSeries,
but only features the fact that it is an iSeries in small print at
the same time as pushing the whole eServer product line.

--Seamus Quinn, Editor.

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