× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.


-----Original Message-----
From: Norbut, Jim [mailto:Jim.Norbut@Grubb-Ellis.com]
Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:56 AM
To: 'midrange-l@midrange.com'
Subject: IIRC

Okay....I'm going to be probably really embarrassed.
But I am sure I am not the only one.

What does "IIRC" mean ????

 -----Original Message-----
From:   jt [mailto:jt@ee.net]
Sent:   Monday, December 10, 2001 11:54 AM
To:     midrange-l@midrange.com
Subject:        RE: Objects not restored - Job ends normally

I've never tried it, but IIRC there's a parm for program to handle a message
ID.  If so, you could check the *DIAG, as Booth has done, and issue your own
*ESCAPE message, depending on the circumstances.  I'd forgotten that hang
about the security/format changes which may, or may not, be "fatal"
depending on your particular situation.  Those security changes CAN be, in
certain cases.

(BTW, second time I've seen YMMV, lately, but just recalled "your mileage
may vary"...  Still looking for that English-Netspeak dictionary.. the one
with the emoticons defined...;-)


| -----Original Message-----
| From: midrange-l-admin@midrange.com
| [mailto:midrange-l-admin@midrange.com]On Behalf Of Walden H. Leverich
| Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 12:45 PM
| To: 'midrange-l@midrange.com'
| Subject: RE: Objects not restored - Job ends normally
| As a followup to my own message, changing CPF3773 to a sev 30 does indeed
| result in an abend if objects aren't restored. Strangely enough,
| the message
| also is sent if there are security format changes, but in that case the
| message is "1234 objects restored, 0 not restored", so even though every
| object is restored the message is sent resulting in an abend.
| If everything is "normal" then message CPC3703 is sent and the job ends
| normally. In my case this is what I want, abnormal if something was
| "strange" and normal is all was good, YMMV.
| -Walden
| ------------
| Walden H Leverich III
| President
| Tech Software
| (516)627-3800 x11
| WaldenL@TechSoftInc.com
| http://www.TechSoftInc.com
| -----Original Message-----
| From: Walden H. Leverich [mailto:WaldenL@TechSoftInc.com]
| Sent: Monday, December 10, 2001 10:34
| To: 'midrange-l@midrange.com'
| Subject: Objects not restored - Job ends normally
| All,
| On V5R1 I just submitted a restore from SAVF for a library, the
| job ran fine
| and then ended NORMALLY (ending code 0 according to the history log)
| HOWEVER, the history log also shows "2 objects restored. 56 not
| restored to
| WEPLEX." Shouldn't that message result in an abnormal end?
| -Walden
| PS. I assume changing message id CPF3773 to a severity > 20 would
| result in
| an abnormal end, no?
| ------------
| Walden H Leverich III
| President
| Tech Software
| (516)627-3800 x11
| WaldenL@TechSoftInc.com
| http://www.TechSoftInc.com
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