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Jeff Crosby wrote:
> I DO have a problem, however, with how IBM handled it.  Throughout the
> entire thing I was made to feel like I was either totally inept or
> trying to pull a fast one.  There was no sympathy/empathy whatsoever
> from the IBM people for my plight.  Thank God I wasn't down.  Even after
> I told IBM I had an IBM document stating that S/N was here, they simply
> didn't believe me.  She literally said IBM could not have made that
> mistake.
> I'll let you all know how it all comes out.  And yes, I'm going to ask
> for some paper from IBM proving they know exactly what I have on
> maintenance.

I assume that if IBM gives you a follow-up satisfaction survey call
regarding this incident that you'll take the time to properly lambast
this woman?  I hope you have the charmer's name!  I've had great luck
over the years dealing with IBM if I just took the time to let them
know how POed I am about something (and conversely, how pleased when
I'm that way too).

FWIW, I almost lost my regular CE to a much less favored one during
one round of IBM downsizing.  The one I liked was younger and had less
time with the company than did the arse that I would have inherited
should things have gone as planned.  A couple of phone calls later
(and a lengthy meeting with the area service administrator) had the
tables turned.  I still have my favored CE and the other guy was

The moral to my story is this:  IBM is so big that people like you
mentioned survive because so few customers complain.  I kept my CE
because I pointed out the problems I had with the other.  Once his
boss checked with other customers who had the unfavored one as their
regular rep, he found that what I was saying was accurate. For all of
IBM's changes through the years they still HATE to hear of unsatisfied


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