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Brad McDaniel wrote:

>Does anyone know how to copy a SPLF type *AFPDS to a physical file without
>losing any of the AFP attributes?  I've seen many questions about this in
>the archives, but can't seem to find an answer (an answer I like, anyway

>I have been using SNDTCPSPLF, but we are having problems at the remote site
>directing where each SPLF should go.  My thought was to copy the splf's to
>PF, and then FTP the file.  That way we can put it wherever we like.  (i.e.
>/user/spool/annuity/etc...).  This works with regular splf's, but not AFP

>Any suggestions?!?!  I'm stuck.

>Brad McDaniel
>Information Services
>Annuity Board, SBC
>(214) 720-6546

Dear Brad,

IBM ships a service tool that provides this type of capability. It allows
you to capture an *AFPDS or *IPDS spool file to a library and physical file.
The library can be placed into a savefile and then sent via binary FTP to a
remote server for archival or to a different AS/400 for unpacking and
printing. If the file is going to be restored on another AS/400, you may
need to specify the target release value when making the savefile to insure
compatibility between the OS/400 levels on the two machines if they are

In my experience the tool is quite reliable but very syntax unfriendly. A
missing space or single quote causes an error message to be displayed and
the copying from or to a file is cancelled. The instructions to use the tool
are listed below.

The following information is from IBM Documentation and is copyright IBM.

Item CGJLN              Document ID Q631200


A:      If you have been asked by IBM Service to dump a spooled file, the
following defines the temporary call interface to the QSPGETF and QSPPUTF
system programs. Authority to these system programs is *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE.
        System program QSPGETF has the following five parameters. All character
parameters must be entered in uppercase and be enclosed in quotation marks.
The data base file and member will be created if they do not exist prior to
the call.

10 character spooled file name
20 character qualified data base file name to dump the spooled file to. The
first 10 characters contain the data base file name. The second 10
characters contain the data base file library name.
26 character qualified job name of the job that created the spooled file.
The first 10 characters contain the job name. The second 10 characters
contain the job user. The last 6 characters contain the job number.
Numeric spooled file number, 1 through 9999. If using the call interface,
specify the spooled file number as a hex value as follows: X’0001’ to X’270F
’ for spooled file numbers of 1 through 9999.
10 character data base file member name to dump the spooled file to.

Below is an example that dumped spooled file, QPRINT, to database file,
SPOOLDB, and member, MBR1. The spooled file number was 1. You can enter the
information on the command line or prompt on the call command to enter the

USER1     010160’ X’0001’ ‘MBR1      ‘)

System program QSPPUTF has the following three parameters. All character
parameters must be entered in uppercase and be enclosed in quotation marks.

20 character qualified data base file name to re-spool the spooled file
from. The first 10 characters contain the data base file name. The second 10
characters contain the data base file library name.
20 character qualified output queue name to re-spool the spooled file to.
The first 10 characters contain the output queue name. The second 10
characters contain the output queue library name.
10 character data base file member name to re-spool the spooled file from.

Below is an example that re-spooled a previously dumped spooled file from
database file, SPOOLDB, and member, MBR1, to output queue, USER1. You can
enter the information on the command line or prompt on the call command to
enter the parameters.

 ‘MBR1      ‘)



Paul Tykodi
Director of Technical Services
LCI-Intermate US, Inc.

p: 603.431.0606 x115
f:  603.436.6432

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