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"Mark Willett" <oleblighty@home.com> wrote:

>This is the wierd thing.  I have a version of the program
>running on a different machine that has not been
>compiled since the upgrade.  It doesn't have
>IGNDECERR set and it runs fine.

I bet it does. How have you checked? Bear in mind that IGNDECERR is not the
same as "Fix Decimal Data". If you compile a program with IGNDECERR(*YES)
it will still show up on DSPPGM as "Fix Decimal Data...: *NO". IGNDECERR
does not fix anything - it just prevents the exception.

>I was really sure that my mod wasn't the cause of the
>problem...but, just to be sure, I took the mod out, and
>tried it again.  Freekin thing doesn't work, it's not the
>modification doing it.

I didn't say it was the modification as such; I said it was something you
did when you compiled. I still strongly suspect that the program was
originally compiled with IGNDECERR(*YES). When you re-compiled it without
this option, you laid it open to the decimal data exception. This is
equally true whether you compiled it with your mod. in or out.

Take a look at the version on the other machine. Has that machine also been
upgraded? If so, there's further proof that the problem is not associated
with an OS/400 upgrade. Does the other program also have blanks in the LDA,
and does the Z-ADD instruction execute over the blank field? If the answer
to both these questions is yes, the question you then need to ask is not
"why does my re-compiled version give a data exception?" but "why does my
old version not give a data exception?".

Dave Kahn, ABB Steward Ltd.

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