× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

If I understand how reference files function, they are only referenced when a 
program is compiled.  In that event then you can copy out your existing file to 
reffile_BU, and go blithely down through your original file, deleting as you 
see fit, and if in doubt, delete.  What is the worst that can happen? A compile 
fails and you have to copy in a field or two from reffile_BU.  Yes it is a 
tremendous task, but at least this way it would be spread over many, many moons.

In <56618D912F50D211BC3200A0C96F981F02E80F@mail.mchcp.org>, on 09/26/98 
   at 11:49 AM, Mary Koetting <Mary_Koetting@mail.mchcp.org> said:

>Is there any way to tell if a data field in a reference file is never

>We have a huge field reference file that needs cleaned up and other than
>starting with an empty file and adding data fields as they are
>referenced, I can't think of another way. It seems to be the only way but
>with thousands of fields it could be a tremendous task.

Booth Martin

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