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     Personally, I don't believe that any certification or degree 
     program can be used to grade ability. I have neither, nor do I see 
     the need to attain such to prove myself. Years of experience pay 
     off in terms of skill and wisdom that cannot be matched in a 
     To me, the only real value in such a certification program would be 
     for persons new to the platform, just out of school, and so forth. 
     Do I think such certification should be a requirement for a 
     position? Absolutely NOT....
     I have a hard time figuring out just who is reaping benefit from 
     the certification programs. Is it the employer who can expect at 
     least minimal competency from a potential candidate, or is it the 
     newbie who's resume declares lack of experience...... either way, 
     the benefit is limited.

______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: [Survey] What would you like to ask IBM about RPG certif
Author:  <MIDRANGE-L@midrange.com > at INET_WACO
Date:    9/23/98 9:00 PM

In a message dated 98-09-21 16:33:08 EDT, you write:
> I'm putting together an article for MC that is sort of a Q&A with IBM 
>  about the benifits or pitfalls of RPG Certification.  
>  If you wanted to ask IBM a question, what would it be?  Things like "Why 
>  should I be certified if I already have a degree?" or "I don't use SEU, 
>  so why should the questions on the test about SEU effect my final
>  score?".  Anything you want.  
The "why should I be certified if I already have a degree" question is pretty 
self-evident.  Saaawwwrrrrreeee, but I've dealt with numerous people with even 
advanced degrees that couldn't write a decent piece of code to save their 
lives.  Programming is an art, and "ya' either got it or you don't".  But that 
wasn't your question.
IBM has tried to develop an "ability-neutral" certification test.  I believe 
that the latter is a fool's pursuit.  There are just _FAR_ too many different 
"flavors" of RPG sites for any one test to serve them all well.  Use CODE/400 
or VA/RPG?  SEU questions are worthless.  Vice-versa is worthless as well.
ILE sites rarely use RPG/400 and vice-versa.  I would propose that there be an 
"editor" test seperate of the "language certification" test, and would ask IBM 
why RPG isn't seperated into its' various disciplines...
Dean Asmussen
Enterprise Systems Consulting, Inc.
Fuquay-Varina, NC  USA
E-Mail:  DAsmussen@aol.com
"A man who is not a liberal in his youth has no heart.  A man who is not 
conservative in his later years has no brain." -- Otto Van Bismarck
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