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  • Subject: Re: Chicago/London-PRESS claims Y2k is Scam
  • From: qappdsn@xxxxxxx
  • Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 09:59:16 -0800

Glenn Ericson wrote:

> Very interesting comment-  Do you  think these  "not on my Watch Execs"
> will go on or  forward Not being remembered for their lack of action? Will
> they have a  Legal trail or  trial following them into their new position<s>?


Not sure if you got the whole thread, it's been a while since it was all posted,
but I recalled that there was some general screaming about the lack of budget 
Y2K resources.  At the time I was wondering why a company would not adequately
fund such a project and it occured to me that for quite a few there are short 
profit bonuses paid.  Short term can be a year, so 1997/1998 may not be the time
that they decide to reduce profits for a perceived "one time" expense.

Depending upon the severity of a given situation, the end of 1998 may be a 
time for these execs to "move on" to other challeges, perferably to a company
already Y2K ready or well on their way.  Since they won't be with the original
company on the big day they're imune from any real fallout.

If they stay they very well may renegotiate their compensation package so as not
to be penalized for this "one time" expense and throw at the project whatever it
takes and come out smelling like a rose.

Who knows.

My original response was just to highlight that articals like the one that
appeared in the Chicago/London press is just the type of amunition one could use
to avoid funding Y2K projects until the very last possible moment.  What would
they care if a room full of "propeller heads" are working overtime during the
holidays. =:-o

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