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  • Subject: Re: Library List.
  • From: John Earl <johnearl@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Tue, 9 Dec 1997 06:54:04 -0800


At 10:30 PM 12/8/97 -0500, you wrote:
>John and Al, thanks for your responses.
>>BTW, if anyone questions you as to why you're risking this change, ask them
>>how they test new program changes?  <bg>
>This is the reason why I want to move them.  Testing is a real pain.  So, to
>summarize, I need to do the following:
>    1) analyze any CHG library statements to determine what they do, and

This is what you normally would do when re-arranging a library list, but I
suspect that even if there are library manipulations occurring in CL
programs they have no effect on your operation.  If all of your library's
are in the system portion of the library list, then EDTLIBL, CHGLIBL,
ADDLIBLE, and RMVLIBLE will not affect your environment because these
commands only work against the user portion of the library list.  

To affect the system portion of the library list you must use the CHGSYSLIBL
command, which is shipped with *PUBLIC *EXCLUDE.  So, you probably only need
be concerned with CHGSYSLIBL commands, (if the users in question are even
authorized to the command).  If no one is authorized to CHGSYSLIBL, (and
everyone does not run with *ALLOBJ authority), then any library list
manipulations that happen to the user portion of the list cannot override
what is already in the system portion of the list.

>    2) move application specific libraries to the QUSRLIBL system value.
>    3) modify the CHG library statements appropriately, probably
>        ADDLIBLE/RVMLIBLE commands.
>Am I missing anything else?  In the future, I'd like to create group
>profiles which
>match job function.  Then create an initial library list attached to each
>profile so that each job function only uses the libraries it needs.  This
>will also
>minimize the searching for objects.

A good, clean way to accomplish this is to use job descriptions.  You can
have a different one for each user that requires different library list
setup.  Job descriptions also allow you to change their environment without
recompiling programs.



>By the way, I'm curious, why is there a QSYS2?  Why aren't those objects
>in QSYS?
>Marc Zylka ( mzylka@netpath.net )
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John Earl       Lighthouse Software Inc.
8514 71st NW    Gig Harbor, WA 98335
253-858-7388    johnearl@lns400.com

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