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  • Subject: Re: Auto signon of win 95 client
  • From: "Rich Garcia" <sys1rxg@xxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 08:59:23 -0400

This looks good, but one question can you perform this same procedure in
Windows NT ? This would even be better.

From: James Turnbull <jamest@UTC.COM.AU>
Subject: Auto signon of win 95 client
Date: Tuesday, September 23, 1997 9:37 PM

Found the info I was looking for.  Posting it here for anyone who is
interested.  Forgot all about password caching.

                                                James Turnbull
                                                AS/Tech Consulting

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*               *               *       

TITLE: ...... Automating the Router Signon in Client Access for Windows


Automating the Router Signon in Client Access for Windows 95

The following steps assume that you have already created a black box
AS/400 icon on your desktop. If you have not, refer to the section
entitled Creating a Black Box Icon.

Enabling the Password Cache for Client Access

To allow Client Access for Windows 95 to make use of the password
caching feature in Windows 95 to automate router signon, do the

1.Ensure that you have logged into Windows 95. Password caching is
available only if a user is signed into Windows 95.
2.Ensure that password caching has been enabled. To do this, go into the
Control Panel and double click on the passwords icon. Choose the Client
Access tab on the password properties window. Ensure that the password
caching status is enabled and that the Enable caching of AS/400
passwords box is checked.
3.Ensure that a default user ID is specified for the AS/400 icon. To
change the default user ID, click on the Start button, go to Programs,
and click on Client Access. This brings up the Client Access window.
Double-click on the AS400 Connections icon. Ensure you are in the
correct environment. Right-click on your AS/400 system name. Choose
properties, and the default user ID appears in the middle of the AS/400
Connections tab. Ensure that it is set to a valid user ID, and click OK.

The default user ID is important in password caching because it is the
keyword that Client Access uses to search the password cache. If the
default user ID is blank, it does not search the password cache.
4.Ensure that you have signed on the router once with all of the above
already set. Once you have gotten the above steps completed (you may
need to reboot or sign off the PC for the changes to take effect),
ensure that you sign on the router through the black box icon. To do
this, right-click on the black box icon, and click on connect. This
brings up a router signon (unless the password has already been cached,
see Accessing the Password Cache). After you sign on, the password is
then stored in the cache.
5.Ensure that all passwords are changed through Client Access. Now that
your password is stored in your password cache, the only way that it can
be properly updated is through the passwords icon in the Control Panel.
If you change your password only on the AS/400 system, the PC does not
reflect these changes, and the router prompts you the next time you
attempt to connect to the AS/400 system. To reflect this change in the
password cache, go into the Control Panel, double-click on the passwords
icon, click on the Client Access tab, and click on the system(s) where
you want to change your password(s). Then, click on the Change Password
button. Now the password changes are updated in your password cache as
well as on your AS/400.

If, at this point, your router still does not automatically, sign on to
your AS/400, follow Step 5. You might already have a password cache
entry for your AS/400 system, and the password or user ID might not be
correct. You can change you password as in Step 5, and that should
update the cache with the proper password.

Disabling the Password cache for Client Access

To disable password caching, do one of the following:

*Do not log into Windows 95. If you are not logged into Windows 95,
password caching is not enabled.
*Make sure that password caching is disabled and the *.PWL file for that
user (the *.PWL file has the same name as the user ID that signed into
Windows 95) is deleted or has its entries removed with PWLEDIT (see
Accessing the Password Cache). If password caching is disabled, password
cache entries are still left in the cache. No new additions or changes
are made to the password cache by Client Access, but current entries can
still be accessed.
*Clear out the default user ID for that AS/400 connection. See Step 3 in
Enabling the Password cache for Client Access.

Accessing the Password Cache

To view or remove password entries in your password cache, you can
install an optional tool called PWLEDIT. This is available on the
Windows 95 CD-ROM version, and it is also available off of Microsoft's
web site. Location and installation instructions for PWLEDIT can be
found in document Q147833 on Microsoft's web site
(www.microsoft.com/kb/articles/q147/8/33.htm). Password entries are
accessible only for the current user signed into Windows 95. The actual
passwords are not displayed--only the resources using that cache.

Creating a Black Box Icon

It is recommended that you create a black box icon for connecting to
your AS/400 as this is the preferred method for connection (as opposed
to the Create/Configure a session).

On the background of your Windows 95 screen, right-click and go to New.
Then, click on AS/400 System. This brings up the Add AS/400 Connection
window. Choose Next. Now step through the following screens that the Add
Connection Wizards displays, and fill in the appropriate selections with
the information it asks for and make sure to put in a default user ID
(see Step 3 above) when prompted. The last panel asks you to verify the
connection. Clicking on Finish creates the black box icon even if the
connection is not verified.
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