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On 17/06/2005, at 12:10 AM, Bruce Vining wrote:

A PTF was created for V4R5 (SF65653) which provided the *ENBTS support
though this change was not propagated to V5R1 (and I doubt you're really
interested in the actual V4R5 PTF).

No I'm not but I couldn't find any mention of it in my searches. I was wondering why it appeared fixed and then seems to be undone.

In V5R1 the CHGPGM command was enhanced with the TERASPACE parameter which
allows you to set the appropriate teraspace storage enablement value
(admittedly with a change in value causing the system to re-create the
program). Use of this parameter on CHGPGM should provide a reasonable work around for the *ENBTS option not being available on the QPRCRTPG API in V5.

I missed this enhancement entirely. Thanks. That will do nicely. Bit messy that it causes two object creations but usable.

My personal hope is that we would in the future go the way of most (though not all) of the current ILE languages -- just make the program teraspace enabled and not need an option like *ENBTS at all (which would suggest not
adding one now...).

That makes sense but MI (as in the MI compiled by QPRCRTPG) is not really an ILE language so now my mind is spinning at possible futures .... Hmmm, he says to himself ... :-)

Bruce Vining

PS - Please copy me directly on notes that you would like to make sure I see. I only noticed my name in this note after it had sat in my mailbox
for three days...

I thought about that but I figured the title might catch your attention. I felt it wasn't urgent enough to bother you directly but I was about to question my local IBM support about this issue.

Thanks for the explanation (and work-around).

Simon Coulter.
   FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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