× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

From: Hewitt, Rory <rory.hewitt@xxxxxx>
> I was referring to FAST/400 when I said "After all, if I'm not 'hacking'
anything like some tools in the past, then am I breaking the rules?". I'm
well aware of FAST/400 and the theory behind it. However, FAST/400 is both
'illegal' (at least as fas as IBM are concerned) and no longer a viable
option (since IBM included essentially mandatory PTF's to stop it).
> However, the ability to forge pointers (to the QWS* programs) in an MI
program can't be bypassed by a PTF (AFAIK) and might not be 'illegal'
(although I'd not like to meet Big Blue's lawyers to find out!).
> If the "WebFacing job" flag is accessible without the need to do anything
'illegal' then even better - I'll use that. If not, I'll stick with the
datastream approach for now, since it works fine.

Well, FAST400 clears the flag set by QT3REQIO from QWSGET/QWSPUT.
There does not seem to any (legal) difference between (FAST400) clearing
the flag or (you) preventing it from being set. So the "legality" is about
the same...

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