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You could "pin" the object in memory using setobjacc, but I've never
completely understood the need for that command. If you're using it so often
that you need it in memory then it's probably in memory already since it's
used so often. If it's not in memory from use then you probably don't use it
enough to need it in memory.

Also, I'm not sure you can tell if a "real" physical read occurred. I don't
know of a spot where the OS tells you that it had to read the row from disk
as opposed to memory. Remember, with single level store everything is "in
memory" to most of the OS, except the lowest level stuff. Is there something
in performance tools maybe?


Walden H Leverich III
Tech Software
(516) 627-3800 x11
(208) 692-3308 eFax

Quiquid latine dictum sit altum viditur.
(Whatever is said in Latin seems profound.)

-----Original Message-----
From: Kaare Plesner, SOSY A/S [mailto:kaaple@attglobal.net]
Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 02:33
To: MI400@midrange.com
Subject: [MI400] What is main memory resident?

I have a case where I need to know if a bunch of records from a data base
resides in main memory when I want to access them. I can indirectly make
intelligent guesses by checking if there are any physical reads when I
access these records, but I would like to actually verify this. I am looking
for something like the good old mainframe dump of a given part of storage.

(I know (and agree) that the "Single level storage" philosophy should mean
that you normally wouldn't and shouldn't care, since OS/400 brings into
memory what you need and when you need it.)

Can anyone assist? - could be some MI code, but an existing OS/400 tool that
I have overlooked might be easier.

Kaare Plesner        I     SOSY A/S
mailto:kp@sosy.dk    I     DK-2730 Herlev
                     I     Denmark

    SOSY A/S - an IBM Business Partner
      Meet us at http://www.sosy.dk/

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