× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

From: <Bobby.Hicks@ccc-michigan.com>

> Is there a way of retrieving the contents of another job's QTEMP

The QTEMP library is supposed to be local to a job. At Security
Level 50, no job can get addressability to the QTEMP library for
another job. Therefore, if user domain objects are stored in the
QTEMP library, they cannot be used to pass information to
another user. It is possible to replace the QTEMP library with
a permanent user library that is not subject to this restriction.
You can do this for your own job as well as for any other job
at any time. This means that you can access private objects
in other jobs at will. This is particularly useful for debugging
batch jobs, besides the obvious other more sinister uses.

When a job is started, a PCO is generated (or more likely: an
earlier, unused PCO is re-used to improve performance) and
initialized with specifics for the job. The PCO starts with several
pointers, the fifth of which is a pointer to QTEMP for the job.

The current QTEMP library for the job does not actually have
the simple name QTEMP (nor *QTEMP). Instead, an internal
name is generated. The 30-character internal name is something
like "QTEMP     0020846FB1CD095B10000".
The last 16 characters seem to be the hexadecimal form
of the internal timestamp for when the object was created
(stored at offset x'50').

Existing earlier QTEMPs are being re-used. So, QTEMPs
are not (as conventional wisdom has it) destroyed when
the job ends. Rather, they are just emptied of contents,
ready to be re-used as needed. If you replace the QTEMP
with a permanent library, that library is also emptied when
the job ends. Don't try this with QSYS!

All this was discussed back in 1999 (complete with sample
programs). check the archives.

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