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Hello Gene,

You wrote:
>The manual says LOCKOL uses object pointers, not system pointers.  What's
>an object pointer?

It is a pointer to an XOM object.  Not entirely helpful but the Set Object
Pointer From Pointer (SETOBPFP) documentation says it:

"returns an object pointer to the XOM object addressed by the source
pointer.  Upon return, the object pointer will address the XOM object."


"The source pointer must address an XOM object or a pointer addressing
invalid object type (hex 2403) exception will be signalled."

The C prototype for SETOBPFP defines the 'object pointer' as an _OPENPTR
but MATPTR shows a pointer type of x'0A' for an object pointer.

Next question:  What is an XOM object?

Answer: F'ed if I know!  I reckon it's a SOM object since MATPTR shows an
XOM object as having an object type of x'20' and a SOM object was
type/subtype X'2000' and a SOM protected object was x'2001'.  I vaguely
recall SOM being removed -- perhaps they've reused the object type?

Use Google to search for:
        XOM site:ibm.com
and you'll find 129 hits.  XOM is X/Open Object Management.

Simon Coulter.

   FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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