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Hello All,

I need to trace what's happening on the heap.  I'm using C functions to
allocate storage and I'm trying to verify that I haven't got any memory
leaks.  Any suggestions?  I'm trying to avoid writing wrappers for
malloc(), realloc(), and free() and tracking this myself.

TRCINT supports a *HEAPMGT option but that is far too low-level (and
system wide).

MI instruction MATHSAT should help but it is broken (see later note).

MI instruction MATRMD option 0x17 is helpful (but this instruction also
has problems -- see later note).

I'm sure IBM have some internal tools for this but what are customers
supposed to do to track/locate/verify memory leaks?  Normally I'm very
careful and allocate and deallocate storage in the same function or
require my caller to allocate storage.  In this case it is messier and I
don't have much control over that (long story ...) so how do I know I'm
not leaking?

Simon Coulter.

   FlyByNight Software         AS/400 Technical Specialists

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