× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

>>Ed, Will the following game plan work for us?

I have not reviewed your code, but the description sounds like it will work
if your machine is at security level 30 or you patch the program to run in
system state.

When the APIs are used to register a function they will destroy any
internal object it finds for the specified function name. Therefore you do
not need to destroy them with DESINX. This fact suggests an alternate
solution that should be less work and possibly more accurate. Here are the
four steps in that solution:
1. Save security data as it is today. (This will save both the internal
objects and the users authority to them.)
2. Run a program to reregister the functions that are missing.
3. Run RSTUSRPRF *ALL to restore the internal objects in QSYS and setup to
allow the next step to work.
4. Run RSTAUT to get back the users authorities to those objects.

If you have a good backup of the QUSEXRGOBJ object from V4R5 or V4R4, and
if everything else in QUSRSYS is correct for a V5R1 system, then there is
an even easier solution.
1. Restore your backup version of QUSEXRGOBJ.
2. Call QUSRGFIN twice from the command line. First call it with no
parameters and then call it again with parameter '12345678QUSRSYS  ' where
there are two spaces after QUSRSYS.

This is one of the install exit program for the QUSRSYS library and these
calls will cause it to add the new V5R1 exit points and programs to

Ed Fishel,

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