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Environment: Mapics DB/Y2K, most modules

Hi group:

We're looking to change from a time card system to a
real-time timekeeping system (terminals throughout the
factory that would be accessed by employees as they
start and change work assignments during the day).

We saw one system that allowed an employee to sign in
for a Manufacturing Order and a specific Routing step,
but it had no way for the employee to report the
Quantity of pieces he or she completed after the task
was done.

That is, after the employee logs on to the task, there
is no way for the employee to go back to that same
record in the timekeeping machine, after the task is
over, and input the quantity of pieces completed
during the task.

Are you familiar with any timekeeping
hardware/software systems that would allow this
capability and interface with Mapics DB/Y2K?

I look forward to your comments on this matter.

Have a good weekend.  :-)

Al Gershen
Cost Accountant Lead
ECS Composites
Grants Pass, OR

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