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Maybe they're trying to be like Apple, where standards are followed and the
results are obvious.

We've all seen what 'free enterprise' has done for PC applications! (read:

I for one still hope to attend this year, hopefully the hotel is more
affordable than last!

You raise some valid points, but I'd like to think that this board does
more to disseminate
information about 3rd party applications that the conference would, plus
you get testimonials.


|         |           "Eric Wolf"       |
|         |           <eric_a_wolf@hotma|
|         |           il.com>           |
|         |           Sent by:          |
|         |           mapics-l-bounces@m|
|         |           idrange.com       |
|         |                             |
|         |                             |
|         |           02/11/2003 10:43  |
|         |           AM                |
|         |           Please respond to |
|         |           MAPICS ERP System |
|         |           Discussion        |
|         |                             |
  |       To:       mapics-l@midrange.com                                       
  |       cc:                                                                   
  |       Subject:  This year's MAPICS User conference                          

   To the list,
   Did anyone happen to look at the Technology Expo page of this year's
   conference?  Being the  curious techie that I am, I wanted see how much
   cost the vendor to be at the conference.  It is not cheap!  I thought
   MAPICS would be very open to have as many vendors as possible so that
   Users could see all the neat things that exist for the MAPICS community.

   It looks like they are now going to limit the Vendors to ONLY those that
   have a "partnership" agreement with them AND they will only be able to
   demonstrate "approved" products.  So I guess if they have something that
   competes with them, you cannot see it.  So long to free enterprise!  So
   smaller 3rd Party Vendors that do not have this "certified product" or
   this commission kickback will not be at this year's conference.  How
   vendors will be there this year?

   Why can't they be like JDE and allow whoever wants to come?  I read
   somewhere that they had a few thousand visitors to there last
   How many were at ours - about 1000.

   Looks like it may be even a smaller conference this year...



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