× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

        Please beware that the workaround that Nathan suggested will work as
described, but it should be used with caution and careful consideration.

        Although selected users will be able to use query AND access MAPICS
files under "AMAPICS" adopted authority.

        But, they will have access to ALL MAPICS files.  This may be a
concern if there are sensitive files such a P/R files within your MAPICS
environment, since they will have access to these files as well.

        Alternatively, use of object level security can open up access to
appropriate files, leaving sensitive data secured.

        For example we allow query to our MAPICS product data and production
order files.  We've identified the files needed, created a "group profile"
and given "Use" access for the files ID's to the group profile.  Then we
change the private User Profile (specifying the "Group profile" ID)  for
those that need query access to these files.  The AS/400 then allows or
disallows access to these files based upon native security controls.  Our
users can then use AS/400 Query or MS Access to query the data.  This works
well, and still leaves the sensitive data locked up.

        So the bottom line: If your MAPICS install doesn't have sensitive
data, then using Nathan's technique will allow query access quickly and
easily.  Otherwise, object security should be considered.

        Ed. Kandel
        Textron Power Transmission, North America
        (231) 929-8218

        From:   nathan.quinones@cussys.com on 08/21/2001 08:53 AM
        To:     mapics-l@midrange.com@SMTP@EXCHANGE
        Subject:        Re: REL 6 Security


        How are your users currently accessing WRKQRY?  From the command
line in

        If so, you can create a task in CAS security that will execute the
        command.  Then, either put the task on a menu, or better yet, create
        action in CAS called WRKQRY.  The action will point to the task you

        Now you can secure who is allowed to do queries from within MAPICS.

        Nathan Quinones
        Custom Systems Corp
        973-726-0202 x213

                            Connie Webb
                            <cwebb@grahamwhit        To:
"'mapics-l@midrange.com'" <mapics-l@midrange.com>
                            e.com>                   cc:
                            Sent by:                 Subject:     REL 6

                            08/20/2001 10:15
                            Please respond to

        Am I missing an important and easy fix to the object security change
in Rel

        It appears to me that I will have to create an authority list for
        being used by qry and every AS400 command a user might need (wrkqry,
        wrkspl). AMAPICS no longer gives adopted authority to users so I see
a lot
        of maintenance.

        Feedback please!

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