× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
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If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

As Gail mentioned, MAPICS had a booth in the EXPO at the last COMMON
conference in New Orleans. It would be interesting to me to hear from y'all
about your interest in having MAPICS sessions at future COMMON conferences.
Best Regards,

BTW, since we are reminiscing, one of my fondest(not!) memories was hosting
the MAPICS soundoff sessions at COMMON in the early '80s and trying to
explain to the group why it was not a surprise that MAPICS was running
slowly with 20 users on S/38 MOD 3 with .5 MB of memory.

                    g.com                   To:     mapics-l@midrange.com       
                    Sent by:                cc:                                 
                    mapics-l-admin@mi       Subject:     Re: mapics 6           
                    08/16/2001 06:29                                            
                    Please respond to                                           

Hey Dave, you forgot to mention SAP  <ggg> Gotta give them equal billing!
Now from my understanding
that really costs shops money.  As these other companies have downsized,
disappeared, etc., did MAPICS
pick up the pieces.  My bosses keep telling me to get something less
than MAPICS.  They
really hate ALF .... it is a mighty chunk of change for a small

What apps do you have to get going in this new job?  WOW, 19 years in
They're gonna start calling
you "Grampa MAPICS" pretty soon.    I got dubbed "Gramma MAPICS" a while
I've been in MAPICS
shop for 19 also.

Do you feel COMMON should be covering MAPICS at their conferences?  In the
sessions that is, not just the

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