× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
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  • Subject: Re: Synchronize External Acc/Pay/Sys with Purch
  • From: "David Shaw" <daveshaw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
  • Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 12:16:48 -0400

Sorry for the delay on this, I'm on a contract job in Charlotte and haven't
been able to keep up with everything.

Forwarded by moderator on behalf of Dale Gindlesperger

Hi Peter,

You didn't mention if you have I/M and Purchasing - I assume you do.  We use
MAPICS A/P, but don't interface it with I/M or Purchasing.  We just use it
to pay bills, like you do with your external system.  We just generate a
daily report of all "RP" transactions for A/P so they know what has been
received, and daily acceptance reports (one page per RP that gets matched up
to the P.O. on file).  When A/P gets invoices, they look up the P.O. in
MAPICS and verify that everything is kosher (variances over a certain
percentage get sent to buyers for approval) then they just key the invoice
into A/P for payment.  Everything works OK, and this is easier (for them)
than doing the Purchasing/AP matchup through MAPICS.  I know this is
"antiquated" compared to some systems, but it meets our accounting
departments requirements, and I have to admit it is faster than keying
invoices by line item with variances and holds.  The files are pretty useful
too for archiving (although I am looking into document management - so far
it's too time consuming).

I think the only file in MAPICS you probably want to keep up regarding A/P
is the vendor master (VENNAM).  I would post the following fields from your
off-line system that our buyers find useful:

DLTDA           Amount to date
DLYTD           Amount year-to-date
DLPYR           Amount last year
LPADA           Last payment date

There are other fields that track discounts taken, lost, NEC amounts, and so
on.  However, more than likely your off-line A/P system will track that
information.  You need to talk to your buyers and accountants to see what
else they may want.  I assume you manually post G/L entries from your A/P
system, that would be more complex than this would be.

Dale Gindlesperger
Fleetwood Folding Trailers

Sent by: owner-mapics-l@midrange.com
06/25/01 04:24 PM
Please respond to MAPICS-L

To:     mapics-l@midrange.com cc: Subject:        Synchronize External
Acc/Pay/Sys with Purch

Hello guys!

This is the case.  I receive the inventory material (or expense) through
MAPICS but I have an external A/P System (I know what, when and how I pay an
order) which I use to pay the order.  I am not feeding MAPICS with this
event. There is a manual intervention to solve these kind of situations.
The question is: (technically speaking) which are the areas (files,fields,
etc.) if have to be aware of to accomplish this task?  I want to process
everything in MAPICS' way.

Anybody that can give some tips and/or advises? Thanks!

Peter Vidal

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