× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

That is what I am using. ASUS EB1007 eeeBox PC bolted onto the back of a
flat screen.

I am not very familiar with BSD.

What I am currently doing atm is Lubuntu and iSeriesAccess.

The only problem I am having is that every 20 minutes or so the
iSeriesAccess drops the connection and has the user login again. Its very
annoying. Sometimes its more often.

Here is the details (from a how-to I wrote for the other techs @ company.:

+++++++++++++++++++++++WHAT I DID+++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Instructions on how to make a lightweight Linux terminal for the AS400.

Specific Software: iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386.rpm on Lubuntu 11.10 32-bit
Specific model: ASUS EB1007

Note: Some scripts I (name) provided, you just need to copy them to the
correct location.


1...........ASUS EB1007 Booting from USB


3...........A few BASH commands you may want to reference

4...........Fixing APT GPG errors

================================================== ====
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1. ASUS EB1007 Booting from USB
================================================== ====
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1. On boot, hit the F2 key.

2. Once you are in BIOS, go to the BOOT section.

3. Select 'Hard Disk Drives'.

4. In the hard drives list, move the USB device to the top of the list.

5. Save and exit BIOS (F10).

================================================== ====
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NOTE: Anytime you see "$" infont of text it is a bash command, run in

NOTE: Do steps 1 - 13 on outside line; Do steps 15 - 17 on inside line.
(Outside line is for skipping watchguard filter).

1. Install Lubuntu for i386.

*Use (all lowercase) "administrator" as username, for the password use the
*Set administrator to login automatically.

2. $sudo -i

3. $apt-get update && apt-get upgrade

4. Change hostname by editing both files:
$nano /etc/hosts
$nano /etc/hostname

5. $apt-get install likewise-open openssh-server docker numlockx alien
libmotif4 libxaw7 libstdc++5

6. $nano /etc/lxdm/default.conf
Comment out (using "#") "session=/usr/bin/startlubuntu
add: "session=/usr/bin/openbox-session"

7. Copy scripts folder from "\\dir\dir\dir\Linux\Asus Neo Replacements" and
place the folder in "/home/administrator" on the ASUS.

8. Copy "\\dir\dir\dir\Linux\Asus Neo
Replacements\iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386.rpm" and place the file in
"/home/administrator" on the ASUS.

9. Copy files in the openbox folder from "\\dir\dir\dir\Linux\Asus Neo
Replacements\openbox" and place the files in "/etc/xdg/openbox/" on the
ASUS & overwrite if asked.

10. On ASUS, $chmod a+x /home/administrator/scripts/*

11. reboot. ($shutdown -r now).

12. $alien -i iSeriesAccess-5.4.0-1.6.i386.rpm -cv

13. Run all these in terminal:

ln -sf /usr/lib/libXm.so.4 /usr/lib/libXm.so.3
ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbcore.so /usr/lib/libcwbcore.so
ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbodbc.so /usr/lib/libcwbodbc.so
ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbodbcs.so /usr/lib/libcwbodbcs.so
ln -s /opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/lib/libcwbrc.so /usr/lib/libcwbrc.so
locale-gen en_US

NOTE: To run the program: (include full path)
/opt/ibm/iSeriesAccess/bin/ibm5250 -LANGID en_us (Enter
Host name here.) -DISPLAY_NAME (Display name)

14. reboot & switch to inside line.

15. $domainjoin-cli join domain.com username

(If errors then retry and type password correctly, or the hostname is
already used.)

16. Add static information to nm-applet in upper left corner of screen.

IP= xx.xx.xx.xx
Subnet= xx.xx.xx.xx
Gateway= xx.xx.xx.xx
DNS= xx.xx.xx.xx, xx.xx.xx.xx

17. Reboot & Test. While testing iSeriesAccess, change the keyboard mapping
for the numberpad "+" to "FieldExit()".

18. Deploy.

================================================== ====
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3. A few BASH commands you may want to reference:
================================================== ====
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sudo -i (for root prompt)

sudo shutdown -h now (shutdown computer now)

sudo reboot (restart computer now)

nano (text editor, more simple than vi)

pkill (kill process)

chromium-browser (if you need to enter mobile + mobile for watchguard)

ifconfig (like MS Windows ipconfig)

---> Need more? Use Google or ask me.

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4. Fixing APT GPG errors:
================================================== ====
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1. Open a terminal and try ALL of these commands.

sudo -i
apt-get clean
cd /var/lib/apt
mv lists lists.old
mkdir -p lists/partial
apt-get clean
apt-get update

2. If it does not work, Google it.

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