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On Wed, 13 Aug 2003 Phillip.Watts@xxxxxxxxx wrote:

> But 'Pressing'  Control t does not do cause the AS400 to do a testreq.

What does a TESTREQ do?   The documentation mentions this function, but
in all my years, I've never seen a TESTREQ key actually do anything on the

> And I don't know how to code a character control followed by a character t.
> control is not an ascii character, it is a modifier like Shift.

Control is not an ASCII character, but Control-T is.

> Is it possible you guys have different "kind' of AS400 than I have?
> One in which ctrl-t / 0x14 / \024 is test request?

The \024 is just being sent from Linux to TN5250, it's not being sent to
the AS/400.

> Or is there hard code in tn5250 which maps ctrl-t to test req.?

What does TESTREQ do, exactly?   The only documentation I can find looks
like this:

    When the 5494 is enabled to access CSU or concurrent diagnostic
    information the 5494 operator and service personnel use the Test
    Request key sequence to access CSU and diagnostic routines. The 5494
    does not send information or AID codes to the AS/400 system when an
    operator enters this key sequence.

So, I'm a bit puzzled.  That sounds like TESTREQ doesn't even send
anything to the AS/400, but rather runs a self-test on the terminal?

None of my green-screen terminals appear to have a TESTREQ key, so I can't
try them there.

I do not have Client Access, so I don't know what it does there, either.
I do have RUMBA, but when I do a TESTREQ there, it seems to have no

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