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Interesting, that was one thought that did pass through my mind. It just
seems odd to me that you would create a new object for each field.

Thanks for the input.

James R. Perkins

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 00:59, <NGay@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Okay, that makes sense. I generally try to do that anyway, as far as
the interface.

What I don't understand is how you could get around getters and setters
something like an int. The only production coding I've done in Java is an
order entry process.
My interpretation of the article was that instead of assuming e.g. "custom
number" is an int, and then storing it as an int throughout your code, you
define e.g.:

public class CustomerNumber extends Integer

public class Customer
public CustomerNumber getCustomerNumber ()

public void setCustomerNumber (CustomerNumber newNumber)

that way if you always refer to it via the CustomerNumber type, you could
change CustomerNumber to extend from Long or any other class as appropriate
and only need to change it one place. I've never done this in practice but
I can see it makes some amount of sense.

(Yes I realise Integer is final and so you can't extend it... perhaps just
have a public int field inside the CustomerNumber class?)

Nigel Gay,
Computer Patent Annuities.

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