× The internal search function is temporarily non-functional. The current search engine is no longer viable and we are researching alternatives.
As a stop gap measure, we are using Google's custom search engine service.
If you know of an easy to use, open source, search engine ... please contact support@midrange.com.

Joe Sam Shirah skrev:
Hi Thorbjørn,

I could have a lot of comments here, but I'll limit myself to:

There is a feature pack for WAS 6.1 that includes JEE, um, features.

Feel free to rant as much as you want. I'd like to hear it.

With regards to WebSphere it is nice to have a "cheap if you just need small-scale" option. Also I really, really like having the source for what I am working with - occasionally you need to unwind through a nasty stacktrace where it is extremely helpful to have source and local variables.

Utility: Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 for WebSphere Application Server V6.1

Also, at the risk of being seen as heretical, does the *server* have to
run on the AS/400?

Since almost everything in existance runs on Windows and Linux that is usually not a problem - we just like being able to consolidate all products on the i, so if I can just choose ONE web container and say "This works on all those platforms we might be asked to run our stuff on" then that is settled and I can just make "stuff work".
Nothing else :)

We currently run web stuff in an embedded jetty which behaves like a cobol module (takes a bit of make-up and hard training), so basically I'd like to be able to do something similar to that.
Otherwise it is just figuring out how to adapt all these fancy Netbeans wizzards to generate another persistance layer. Oh the joys of many standards.


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