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Nathan Andelin wrote:

In the case of Servlets, using a meta-data driven utility has the added
concern of scalability.  Say there are hundreds of users maintaining
hundreds of files.  Wouldn't channeling every request through one Servlet
offer a substantial bottleneck?


Not really. As we all know the container doesnt have to create that servlet more than once, anything after that is threaded and quite fast. In fact Sun, IBM and others promote the Front-Controller Pattern which is exactly a Servlet (or a Filter) where everything is tunneled through. All Web Frameworks i am aware of rely on that pattern. You get many benefits when using this pattern, starting from easy configuration and authentication hooks, to a quite clean dispatching mechanism. There are all sorts of variants how to implement that pattern, but using Servlets is the most used.

So i wont call that a bottleneck, as long as you know what you do in that specific servlet. A lot of people create different entry servlets with the problem that its quite bad to maintain and it reduces the performance, because you have more object creation than with Front-Controller Pattern.

Marc Logemann

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