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Thanks, for some reason I completely forgot about the JSF outputLink object; must have been the fog lingering from the holidays, lol.

I'm a pretty savy Java web programmer, so I'm very aware of what EGL becomes in the background and how to access it. I'm in a COBOL shop, so it was management's choice to try out EGL so the COBOL programmers could have an easier time maintaining the project.

I'll use the outputLink and dynamically build the url to pass a few parameters in a query string.


Aaron Bartell wrote:
>I've done some reading and I don't think opening a new window is possible with a server-side language.

I am sure there is a way to do this as EGL is just JSF under the covers. Much of the UI API's in EGL are simply conduits to get client code dynamically built to be rendered and acted on by the browser.

Here is an example of what it looks like in "raw" JSF for a project I have built:

value="downloaddocument.jsp?docuid=#{uiobj.document.uid}&type=o" target="_blank" styleClass="copy"
rendered="#{uiobj.printJob.statusuid != uiobj.printJob.statusidDsp}">
<h:outputText value="#{uiobj.document.name}"/> </h:outputLink>

Notice the "target" attribute. Maybe do a search on the EGL documentation for something that resembles that attribute?

Aaron Bartell

Jason Abreu wrote:
I know how to do the forward with parameters.

They key was "new window." I suppose that I just need to make the user click a button to execute some javascript for the new window. I've done some reading and I don't think opening a new window is possible with a server-side language.

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